Alley has kindly designed this Lenten calendar for Lifeteen and made it available to Awestruck.
If you like it and intend downloading it you may wish to drop her a thank you message @alleydaniel
Download the full size image by clicking on it and the saving the image, or, if you prefer it as a PDF then here’s the link: lentencalendar
Sacred Space
Retreat for Lent 2014
Saint Paul - El GrecoWelcome to our Retreat for Lent 2014. The theme of the Retreat is 'Called to be Saints', drawing its inspiration from Saint Paul's letter to the Romans.
You will find a new session of the retreat available here each week. Then, you can take the retreat at your own pace, in a place that suits you, using the text and audio to create a time of prayerful attention.
Daily Reflections
Beyond the Great Lenten Facebook Fast
We are fast approaching Ash Wednesday, and it is time to start planning your Lenten fast.
Lent is about recommitting to prayer, fasting so as to make room for God and almsgiving to relearn self-giving love — and for many of us, the biggest obstacle to prayer is social media, the biggest time-waster (and stressor) is our phone and computer, and the location of our frivolous, self-centered spending has moved online.
So as so many Catholics gear up to turn off Facebook for Lent here are some more nuanced ideas for what to give up for Lent (as previously published at Catholic Vote).
1. Moderation instead of fasting on Facebook.
Every Lent sees a mass Catholic exodus from Facebook. I like this; I have done this. It may be just what you need to make your Lent more focused on God. But if I have learned anything in the spiritual life it is that it is harder to have a little cake than no cake, it is easier to control your environment than to control yourself … and moderation can be as great a sacrifice as fasting. Instead of no Facebook time, why not a set Facebook time? Sunday afternoon? Saturday morning? Thursday evening? Then you might just form a new habit, instead of following a forty-day fast with a 320-day binge.
2. Turn off your phone.
I was struck by a Facebook status update from Brendan Vogt: “Leaving your phone at home on purpose when you hang out with someone is the new way to show them you care about them.” For Lent, why not sacrifice the phone at key events: When you spend time with your children, in business meetings, with your date, with your spouse, and, heck, when you are waiting somewhere and in a position to meet new people?
3. Use paper in church.
There are some great apps that aid prayer and provide liturgical readings. I love them, use them frequently, and even take them to my Holy Hour. They are great, as long as they don’t lead the user to start clicking on the e-mails and texts and Tweets and notifications that light up our phones. It may not even take that: I have found myself sitting in an adoration chapel idly surfing the Internet from habit before realizing how I was behaving in the presence of God and apologizing profusely. You’re better off with the phone off, alone with a prayer book and the Blessed Sacrament, the Great App that accomplishes what it signifies
(The rest of the article can be found by clicking HERE)