Chrism Mass

Homily at the Chrism Mass celebrated at Our Lady of the Assumption (Cathedral)
on 27 March 2024
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Livi laba yinyama!

Today’s Gospel passage is deeply familiar, particularly to us priests, considering that we read it every single year on this day.

As I have shared in the past, one thing I love of God’s Word is the fact that even when you do not think it could be possible, you always find something new. Maybe it is also a sign of the work of the Holy Spirit that leads us always to the whole truth as Jesus told us.

We approach the Word with a humble heart knowing that there is so much we have not seen and much more we have not yet understood.

As I began reading today’s Gospel passage there was something I noticed in the very first line. It says: “Jesus came to Nazara, where he had been brought up, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day as he usually did.” “As he usually did”.

Going to the synagogue on the sabbath was something normal for Jesus. We would say “he was a regular” and not someone who would go on special events’ day like “let me see the face of the new priest in the parish”, “let me go to Church today, Father said the bishop is coming” or going to Church on a special fest day like the coming Easter celebrations.

At the same time, something happened. This time it was not like other times. There was something different.

 Full homily