Ashes on Valentine's


Some time last year the members of the sodality of St Joseph asked to see me. They had a request: "Bishop, as you know, next year we will be hosting the first interdiocesan gathering of St Joseph. We ask your blessing over a fundraising initiative: to celebrate Valentine's day on 14 February 2024"

Though I had nothing against the idea (that had been done in previous years) I made them aware that in 2024, Valentine's day falls on Ash Wednesday. At the same time, I offered them an alternative: to celebrate it the evening before. So it was and the diocese generously supported them! The place was full to capacity. 
The story became for me an opportunity to reflect on these two celebrations: Valentine's and the beginning of our Lenten journey. They are both a call to remember and rekindle our deepest call: to love!
We are called:
  • To love and not to hate
  • To heal and not to hurt
  • To build communion and not division 
  • To respect and not to abuse
We are called to do so with all that we are:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and  neighbor as yourself."
Later on, during the Holy Week, on the day of the last supper, Jesus will call us to love once again:

"Love one another as I have loved you"
Valentine's, Ash Wednesday, the Lenten Season remind us that we are not spectators in the play of life but leading actors. We are not called to fall our arms and watch others love. We are called to be the ones who, having experienced God's greatest love, cannot avoid but sharing it with others.

Wish you a blessed Lenten Season.