As the "lock-down" time is being extended in different ways, some bishops members of the SACBC (Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference) are sending pastoral letters to their dioceses.
Below are the letters sent by Archbishop Buti Thlagale OMI (Archdiocese of Johannesburg) and Bishop Victor Phalana (Diocese of Klerksdorp) in South Africa
Saving lives
Coronavirus, a mercilessly devastating illness that spreads itself via droplets from person to person, has turned the whole world upside down. The world has virtually been brought to a grinding halt. Borders are sealed. There is no travel by air, sea, rail or road. The police with the help of the army have been ordered to enforce a crushing lockdown and only allow movement of those with appropriate permits.
The sole purpose of the Declaration of the National State of Disaster by Government is to save lives. Government has put at the disposal of the Nation every resource available in order to save the lives of its people from the insidious assault of COVID-19. Government leaders consider it their sacred duty and privilege to persuade every citizen to recognise the gravity of the thread imposed by Covid-19 and consequently to follow the directives aimed at fighting the disease. The gift of human life is "like a pearl of great price. The merchant who finds it sells everything he owns and buys it" (mt. 13:4.5). This is virtually what the Government has done. R500 billion will be raised in order to respond to the challenge of the deadly Corona virus.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
in the light of the COVID-19, I found strength in the Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference".
COVID-19 and the empty churches
A pastoral letter to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg
Saving lives
Coronavirus, a mercilessly devastating illness that spreads itself via droplets from person to person, has turned the whole world upside down. The world has virtually been brought to a grinding halt. Borders are sealed. There is no travel by air, sea, rail or road. The police with the help of the army have been ordered to enforce a crushing lockdown and only allow movement of those with appropriate permits.
The sole purpose of the Declaration of the National State of Disaster by Government is to save lives. Government has put at the disposal of the Nation every resource available in order to save the lives of its people from the insidious assault of COVID-19. Government leaders consider it their sacred duty and privilege to persuade every citizen to recognise the gravity of the thread imposed by Covid-19 and consequently to follow the directives aimed at fighting the disease. The gift of human life is "like a pearl of great price. The merchant who finds it sells everything he owns and buys it" (mt. 13:4.5). This is virtually what the Government has done. R500 billion will be raised in order to respond to the challenge of the deadly Corona virus.
Click here to download the full letter in PDF
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
in the light of the COVID-19, I found strength in the Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference".
Nothing could have prepared us for this pandemic. We were all caught off guard. The good thing is that we all complied and did what we were told to do. We listened to the voice of our President and the Health Minister. Yes, it is a great inconvenience. We are not able to gather and worship together. We cannot be nourished and sanctified by the Sacraments. We feel isolated, lonely, confused, without a purpose and without direction. At times we feel like prisoners in our convents, presbyteries and homes. COVID-19 has disrupted our lives, our plans and our projects.
We all have a sense of grief and loss. We have to live under strict regulations and restrictions. This is now what we voted for. We voted for freedom and human rights. Unfortunately, a virus has come in, to take away all the freedoms we enjoyed and perhaps, took for granted. The only way out, is to accept, just as the Serenity Prayer teaches us. We accept that this is the reality for today and we pray for the grace to go through these trying times.
Click here to download the full letter in PDF