A new parish: St Ignatius of Loyola

Sunday 9 of December saw the creation of our 17th parish: St Ignatius of Loyola (Siphofaneni). Until then, it had been an outstation of St Phillip's.

The new church building was blessed in 2015. Already at that time, it was clear in our minds and hearts that sooner or later it would become a parish. It is placed in one of the fastest developing places in our country: Siphofaneni.

This new parish takes some outstations from the "mother church" (St Phillip's) but also from the parishes of Good Shepherd (Siteki) and St Joseph's (Mzimpofu).

Like St Phillip's, also St Ignatius of Loyola has been entrusted to the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales. We are deeply grateful for accepting this new challenge. 

Sunday's celebration started with a small procession to the door of the church where one of the parishioners reminded us the history of the new parish. Then, after entrusting the keys of the church to Fr Francis "Jabulani" Huwn MSFS, he led us into the church for the celebration of Mass.

We were about 12 priests as MSFS came both from South Africa and from Mozambique. 

During the celebration of Mass and after the homily, Fr Francis accepted his new service as parish priest. He is encouraged by the words of the bishop:
Remember, my brother, always be a loving father,
a gentle shepherd, and a wise teacher of your people, so that you
may lead them to Christ who will strengthen all that you do.
He is also called to work with the Parish Council:
Father this is the pastoral council of St Ignatius Parish.
It is the voice of your people and will assist and counsel you as you minister to this parish. Always be attentive to the needs they express."
Fr Francis then replied saying:
My friends, I pledge to seek your counsel, guidance, and advice in spiritual and temporal care of my pastoral service.
At the end of the Mass and before the final blessing the people of the parish chose to acknowledge some special people in their history. They explained why they were chosen and were given a small gift.