Saturday evening we concelebrated Mass at the Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw. Before Mass we were given a small version of the procession cross used in the Pantheon of Great Poles.
At the top of the Cross the hand of God the Father holding a laurel wreath symbolising the royal dignity of Jesus Christ.
On the left arm of the cross a figure of St John Paul II. On 5 June 2011, the relics of then blessed John Paul II were transferred in a ceremonial procession from Pirsudsky Square to the Church of Divine Providence.
On the right arm of the cross, blessed Jerzy Popierluszko. On June 6 2010, over thirty thousand faithful took part in a procession with the blessed relics, which were then laid in the Pantheon of Great Poles.
The figure of Christ is presented in High Priest garments. The colours of the garments are symbols of the divine (blue) and human (red) natures of Christ. Gold is the symbol of the light of God.
The chalice at the foot of Christ is a symbol of the Eucharist. The rays around the chalice symbolise the blood and water flowing out of the pierced side of the Lord Jesus.