A logo and motto has been issued for the coming Jubilee of Mercy. The Holy See offered to translate the original one to any local language... and so we did! We send the text in Swazi and a couple of days later it was sent back to us. Below is an explanation of the meaning:
"The logo and the motto together provide a fitting summary of what the Jubilee Year is all about.
The motto Merciful Like the Father (taken from the Gospel of Luke, 6:36) serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure (cfr. Lk 6:37-38).
The logo – the work of Jesuit Father Marko I. Rupnik – presents a small summa theologiae of the theme of mercy.
In fact, it represents an image quite important to the early Church: that of the Son having taken upon his shoulders the lost soul demonstrating that it is the love of Christ that brings to completion the mystery of his incarnation culminating in redemption.
The logo has been designed in such a way so as to express the profound way in which the Good Shepherd touches the flesh of humanity and does so with a love with the power to change one’s life.
One particular feature worthy of note is that while the Good Shepherd, in his great mercy, takes humanity upon himself, his eyes are merged with those of man. Christ sees with the eyes of Adam, and Adam with the eyes of Christ. Every person discovers in Christ, the new Adam, one’s own humanity and the future that lies ahead, contemplating, in his gaze, the love of the Father."
(From: http://www.im.va/)