Arriving in Swaziland three years' ago I was impressed at the boards by the road acknowledging the reality of corruption and how it affects us all.
On Wednesday 30 September, churches in South Africa will be joining the "Unite against Corruption". With the Pretoria and Cape Town marches well advanced in planning, new marches are springing up in support in Durban, Bloemfontein, Polokwane, Grahamstown and East London.
"South Africa faces a momentous decision. Held captive by corruption, our dreams are being strangled. Many have lost hope. Will you have the courage to speak publicly for what is right? Church leaders have called on all Christians to take the responsibility to end corruption!
The Church, as 80% of the country, is part of the problem. Marching together against corruption is an act of repentance and prayer for the nation."
The invitation is clear, together with prayer, Christians are invited to "Repent | Commit | Expose | Build"
1) Repentance for corruption
2) Commitment to ethics and values
3) Accountability - a commitment to expose corruption when we see it
4) Nation building - to look beyond the fight against corruption to dream and work on the bigger issues of justice.
A prayer has been distributed. It has adapted from a Catholic prayer against Bribery and Corruption in Nigeria. I believe each one of us can adapt it changing the name of the country to the one where we are living in any part of the world.

Father in Heaven,
You always provide for all your creatures
so that all may live as you have willed.
You have blessed our country South Africa
with rich human and natural resources
to be used to your honour and glory
and for the common good of all South Africans.
We are deeply sorry for the wrong use of these your gifts and blessing
through act of injustice, bribery and corruption,
as a result of which many of our people are hungry,
sick ignorant and defenceless.
We believe that You alone
can heal us and our nation of this sickness.
We therefore beg you to touch our lives
and the lives of our leaders and people
so that we may all realise
the evil of bribery and corruption and work hard to eliminate it.
Raise up for us God fearing leaders
who care for us and who will lead us
in the path of prosperity, integrity and the common good.
We ask the through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Adapted from Catholic prayer against Bribery and Corruption in Nigeria)