While in Rome, attending Caritas meetings I met for the first time Fr Gustavo Gutiérrez who addressed us at the beginning of the AGM. His books were very familiar to us during our theological studies in the 80s. It was a great gift to listen to him.
I discovered on Twitter that:
"America (magazine) interviewed Gustavo Gutierrez in El Salvador on May 24, 2015, the day after Oscar Romero's beatification. The renowned liberation theologian offers his thoughts on the significance of Romero's life and his beatification."
It is a short video in Spanish but subtitled in English. Clear and simple.
"El Salvador" bishops' conference has published a letter (in Spanish...) called: "Beato Monseñor Oscar Romero, Pastor y Mártir" (Blessed Msgr Oscar Romero, Shepherd and Martyr). It can be downloaded by clicking HERE.
The photo above is the official one prepared for his beatification. During the Caritas meeting it was given to some of us by one of the Bishops from El Salvador.
La carta pastoral de la Conferencia Episcopal de El Salvador:
"Beato Monseñor Oscar Romero, Pastor y Mártir"
se puede bajar haciendo click AQUI.
"Beato Monseñor Oscar Romero, Pastor y Mártir"
se puede bajar haciendo click AQUI.