From Sunday 10th May delegates from the different countries in Africa will be in Rome for the Regional meeting which was supposed to be last February in Ghana but was later moved here. It was probably a good idea. Tuesday starts another Caritas meeting which will bring delegates from all over the world. Putting these two meetings together save us one extra trip.
Together with this, we were offered a one-day workshop on "Risk Management". The image above was part of the introduction and set the tone of the day, at least regarding what risk management... is not!
Therefore, most of us arrived one day earlier to attend the workshop.
The aim of the day workshop was to offer all Member Organisations a practical guide and methodology to incorporate risk management into existing (strategic) planning processes in order to increase the chances of reaching their intended organisational objectives.
Led by Frank Boomers who's got plenty of experience of work in the continent and starting from our own expectations (it is clear that with the exception of a few of us most of the people here have plenty of experience in working with Caritas) we were an introduction to what risk management entails. It was then followed by group work in which we were asked to analyse our own situations with the tools given.
Having understood that we cannot eliminate risk altogether we committed ourselves to work on this and avoid what was called the fire fighting approach (nor the ostrich one either!)