What's in a name?

St Peter & Paul Parish is the "last born" parish of our diocese. Officially opened in January 2017, it was entrusted to the Consolata Missionaries. Last Sunday they launched the first issue of their new magazine called: "Singumndeni". Below is what I wrote for the magazine.

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I sometimes think of the power of “brands” in our lives. Some brands are linked to good value for money, quality and reliability. Others, exactly the opposite: we find them poor, risk and, expensive for no real reason.

Many times we are seriously influenced by that at the moment of choosing what to buy: an electrodomestic, a phone, a vehicle...

It is also true that sometimes a brand is not really linked to any of the things I mentioned. Some brands “talk” about “being able to afford it” and “fashion”.

In every case, though, brands are able to give us a message. 

Each one of our parishes has a name. It is not by accident. The name of the parish should also talk to the parishioners and to the diocese. It should give them a message. It should give them an identity and constantly remind everyone of who they are. That is why it becomes more and more important that every parish and outstation celebrates the “patronal feast”, their “feast name” as a way to celebrate their particular identity and call.

Being called “Saints Peter and Paul” means carrying the name of the two special pillars of the Church. We have just finished our Easter season during which we read daily from the book of the Acts of the Apostles. Probably half of it tells us about Peter and half about Paul. That is how important they are!

Both Peter and Paul wrote letters to the communities that are part of the New Testament and which we read on most of our Sundays.

Carrying the name of these two apostles is a call to build your lives and parish on the strong foundation that is Jesus but also to continue to share him with others like they did.

I do believe, though, you carry more than one name. You started as a parish together with the arrival of the Consolata Missionaries in our diocese. “Consolata” and “missionaries” are also your names. Their presence, their charism, their lifestyle has made a mark on you from the very beginning. Their name is giving shape to your community.

Peter, Paul, Mary Consolata... All of them had Jesus at the centre of their lives:
  • “Yes, Lord, you know I love you.” (Jo 21: 15)
  • “For to me life is Christ” (Phil 1: 21)
  • “I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38)

All of them shared the good news of Jesus to all.

All of us in the Diocese of Manzini want to reminded of them when we see you by the way you celebrate your faith, the way care for each other, the way your community grow with new members, the way you are able to reach others in their spiritual and material needs.

God bless you all

+ José Luis IMC