Benedict Daswa: 'a missionary of Christ in the land of Africa' (Card. Amato)

Card. Amato SDB (centre)
The celebration of the beatification of Tshimangadzo Samuel Benedict Daswa was presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, as the representative of Pope Francis.

During his homily Cardinal Amato said:
  • His name means wonder, miracle and Benedict Daswa was an authentic wonder of God... the Holy Spirit had transformed this young South African into an authentic hero of the Gospel

  • He resembles the first martyrs of the Church who defended the faith in courage, prayer and forgiveness of his enemies

  • The beatification of Benedict is a blessing for the whole Church, for your community, for Africa
  • Africa has always generously responded to the call of Christ with a long tradition of saints and martyrs. Let us recall St Augustine one of the greatest theologians, St Anthony the Abbot founder of monasticism, the young martyrs Felicita and Perpetua, St Monica the mother of St Agustine, the holy martyrs of Uganda, blessed Clementine Anuarite from Congo... and now the African Church adds another glorious page with the beatification of Benedict Daswa.
Click below to listen to the homily

From left Fr Augustine O'Brien MSC who baptised him, Fr Eddie O'Neil who witness the exhumation of the body,
Fr Patrick O'Connor MSC who celebrated his wedding.
Some articles:

A couple of videos:

A short clip from the SABC news
on the beatification

The Life of Benedict Daswa
(1 hour video)
