We beseech you, Almighty God,
may the intercession of her,
whom you have chosen Virgin and Mother of your Son
obtain for our Congregation and for all its members
integrity of faith,
perseverance in vocation,
missionary ardour for evangelization,
and fruitfulness int he apostolate.
Assist, sanctify and guide
our Father General and all superiors.
With your grace, sustain us your servants,
sustain the houses and the missionary works,
reward those who do good to us,
our parents, relatives and friends.
Preserve us in peace and in unity of spirit,
grant serenity and strength to our sick brothers and sisters
support the weak and the vacillating,
welcome into your kingdom those who have died.
With the grace of your Spirit,
increase the missionary activity of our Congregation
so that the Gospel may spread
and all peoples may know you, the one true God,
and him whom you have sent,
Jesus Christ your son
born of the Virgin Mary.