A joyful Christmas to you all!

"Christ is continually born into our world and into our lives.  And our human history, with all its light and shadow, continuously needs God’s saving help.  There are moments of grace for each of us that transform our hearts with hope.  There are moments of grace for the world that give us all a vision that things can be different, that we can be different. 

 As we gaze on the scene at Bethlehem, it speaks to us and tells us that those glimpses of hope represent the deepest truth about God and the world and us.  It is an invitation to see the world with God’s eyes, from below, in simplicity, and to recognize who we are called to become.  We are to follow this child, the healer, the liberator from sin and death.  We are to be signs of his presence, bringing him to birth in our generation, with healing and reconciliation, with liberation, justice and peace.   In every generation the world longs for God’s rescue.  In every generation the Christ-child is born anew, among ordinary lives, to refresh the world with hope." (by By John Moffatt)