Two ordinations... and a wedding!

St Lucia
Catholic Church

25 May 2013

On Saturday 25 May, after the three and a half hour celebration of the ordination of our two new priests, we joined Terry and Anel for the celebration of the their wedding. They wanted to get married at our Chapel before it would be demolished. In a few weeks' time we will start the building of a new "Retreat and Training Centre" with twelve single cottages, a hall and a new church.

It was a very familiar and carefully prepared celebration. As the photo above shows, the sign indicating "where" happiness could be found pointed to the chapel. 

We met a couple of weeks' ago. They shared with me the readings they had chosen for the celebration. The first one, from the book of Ecclesiastes (4: 9 – 12): "Better two than one alone... Where one alone would be overcome, two will put up resistance; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken". The "third one" being the one to whom they asked to bless their journey together, the one they invited to walk with them...

The second reading was taken from the first letter to the Corinthians... "Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage...". As Terry said, one might sometimes feel tempted to "pick and choose": this is fine, this I can do without... 

Seeds replaced the rice usually thrown at the end of the celebration. It was the delight of birds and monkeys who kept on coming "to celebrate" the following days.